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Sense this topic is very simply. Write something sentences, who describe your personality.
I know that my English is disastrous. However I want in this way to take solid science justification English.
Does anybody understand me?

I feel now that I'm sick and I want to vomit my supper. Besides everyone knows me so don't know what to say

I feel now that I'm sick and I want to vomit my supper.
Why? Supper be rotten?

Why? Supper be rotten?
No I don't think so. My stomach is too moody today. Sometimes he misbehave.

Uder one roof of this forum - yes.
You`re right, because we all living on the one world - virtual word. He is under one roof in our houses...

Heh, I supossed, I know, why. Spring, Miss Maggy, next already. You understand, in what do thing?
Not in the least father. I've got allergies in Spring and I know that for sure - nothing more

What about personality? You know me - just read my posts I've got the devil behind my skin (I don't know if I spell it right )
You know oneself so you is right surely
It looks like a just a dialogue ( duo persona) - and it would be really great, if some more users joined us

Normally I don't have much chance to practise my English, as you know I teach German. However, it's a great pleasure to have a chance to try at least not to forget everything I've learned

Just one question - Father Mark - shall we just speak English or it's a topic for something special I mean, are some topics special or it's just about to chat It's about our feelings, about us generally or...

Have a nice day
yyyy a można prosić po polsku...?
It is time to develop linguistic horizonts

shall we just speak English or it's a topic for something special
Annies, Please read my first post.
Sorry, you're right, I didn't read it carefully enough.
That is not good. i can't speak english. well...

That is not good. i can't speak english. well...
You`re not alone

and it would be really great, if some more users joined us
So, I can feel invited ?

So, I can feel invited ?
I hope so - it won't be interesting if only 2-3 users wrote - but you should ask the author forst

first ?
- that's when I write to fast

but you should ask the author first

I wrote already answer for heysel question.

End of these litigation.
Write as to learn strange language quickly

[ Dodano: Pon 05 Mar, 2007 19:18 ]
I'm quite good at it ( when I'm not in a hurry) but I don't feel like I sholuld take care of this

more experience.
Sorry, but I've got some association from one tv publicity but I don't tell you what I think because I'm ashamed of this

Sorry, but I've got some association from one tv publicity but I don't tell you what I think because I'm ashamed of this
Tell me more, please...
BTW:Somebody somwhere said: School is as Media Markt - not for idiots. I fell from chair from laughter when I I heard this reflexion

EDIT Annnika: forms "anyone/body can be used in the negative sentences
The same can we say about some other institutons or societies NOT FOR IDIOTS

By the way - did you know, that Poland was the only country, where this title phrase was prohibited

Tell me more, please...
No I can't If I tell you everybody could think something wrong about me

If I tell you everybody could think something wrong about me Hey Daughter - I`will be silent & you may use PW, or GG, or e-mail.
But I'm really ashamed If you sometimes watching late TV you could see this publicity. I can't tell

I'm going to sleep. See you later guys!

I can't tell
I know what about you write! I think, so this is a joke! Any publicity who get started at past 10 PM

:mrgreen: I know what about you write! I think, so this is a joke! Any publicity who get started at past 10 PM
FATHER!!! What is that???

I'm talking about one publicity, not about TV movies Besides I didn't know that on Polonia1 are movies like that
I try rozumiec that.( Because i have to learn english).Bot I don't understand.
The more you try, the better it will go

Trust me

Anyway, it's really hard for me to write in English, although I could do it quite good
I forgot to many words and structures
Annnika you're doing very good much better than others

anyway not to make off-topic I don't like write about myself, so I can only say I am very shy and modest

The more you try, the better it will go
About me. I'm woman, bot i feel like a small girl. I have so many years, że i don't really no ile.
I don't know many words, so kto¶ niech poprawia, please.

About me. I'm woman, bot i feel like a small girl. I have so many years, że i don't really no ile.
I don't know many words, so kto¶ niech poprawia, please.

It`s a wonderfull story of your life

for example: Looknij przez window i zobacz czy twój car here stoi
Myszkunia, correct form id "but" not "bot" "bot" mean something too, but I think you didn't mean it
I think it's gonna be a really funny topic

Something about myself


I'm a witch
Something about myself?

I'm going to be a driver soon Maybe I.e. I hope so!
I don't have green idea what i can write about myself

It`s a wonderfull story of your life

It's quite interesting, that some more priests I know are learning English again

Anyway, I'm completely out of order now, very exhausted. I had a very important meeting, and now I'm powerless
What here so emptily? Does someone fear to write in English?
Maybe they don't want to write about themselves
So maybe we should talk about something else.
or...they just don't know what to write it's not easy to say anything about oneself in polish... I won't mention english...!
well...I'm new here and...that's all that I can say , because I simply have no idea what else could I write and what do you want to know

and what do you want to know
Maybe... what do you like
Katarynka, nice to meet you on our forum. Please write what you like.

Could you be more specific, please?

Hmm.... I like reading, too. What sort of books do you like to read
well, heh, writing it in english will be difficult a little
Lately, I have no time for reading books I like I don't really know how to answer this question do you want me to write the authors?
Can be
All of you should find some topics to talk with other people. Otherwise this topic will be one of these, which are about nothing.
I was thinking about write something here but I decided NO. And you know why? Because it's very hard to tell someone about oneself. Especially when you write: "Tell me everything about yourself." Everything = I don't know what to say.
Even if we want to improve our english by writing here, we should find a topic
It's very late now so I can't thing up anything.
I hope you will.

You're right, Harpoon, but only those hings, which are truelly hard, make someone satisfied
I don't know what do you mean.
Writing about myself is really hard, because I havw to think about my feelings, my opinions, kind of self-analysis. And it's not so easy. But sometimes you may find out something very important about yourself
You're right. It's not easy, to answer (one would say that it was rather easy question) "what do you like?" I had to think a while
Do you want to say, that we are supposed to do kind of self-analysis here?
Because now I don't know, will I do the offtop, if I answer this question:

Should I write "kind " "?: I'm not as advanced as to "catch" the difference between those two

Should I write "kind " "?
No, you write OK. Should be "sort".

I'm not as advanced as to "catch" the difference between those two
naither do I, but Father Marek explained everything. Thank you father

I have my doubts concerning this:

I like listening them
Should it be I like listening them or listening TO them
Topic is dead? Why?
Widocznie tymczasowo wena odleciała
Wow, that's very interesting topic

Everybody complain that they do not know what to say about themselves, and I just wonder why?

That is very common question. Whenever you go, people first ask you how are you? and next question will be, tell me something about yourself? Very often the respond for the second question will follow that particular order:

First, we suppose to tell our name, than where are we from, next will be nice to say few words about our interests and what do we do for living.
According to that suggestion…

My name is Ela, I am originally from Poland, so by blood I am Polish and I am very proud to be one. I love nature. Fortunately for me, in Canada, where I live now, we can find a lot of beautiful sightseeing, so, during my free time people will find me on the trail hiking or by the lake fishing .. yes, fishing. To be able to travel and to enjoy my hobby, I work for the Pharmaceutical Company.

All the best,
Pleasantly Ela, that you wrote many interesting things about me. Let other will take therefore with you example.

Pleasantly Ela, that you wrote many interesting things about me.

What do you mean? I thought that my little paragraph was about me.

just a joke...

Pleasantly Ela, that you wrote many interesting things about me.
O, it`s a mistake:
should be: Pleasantly Ela, that you wrote many interesting things about yourself.
Hi everybody.

My name is Sebastian.I was ending geography in UMCS in 2003 year.I like Enya,irish and Bajm songs,but also I like see in sky and write poems.Certainly I very like some persons from this forum and all this forum. I am a member of our KSM and supporter of All Polish Youth (MW).{MW is the youth patriotic organisation.This organisation was found by Roman Dmowski in 1922 years as the academical organization.}I come from Lublin voivodship,from Łęczna.Łęczna is the 25000-city in which is a Górnik Łęczna football club.This football club may be degradate to three football league in the next season.
I'm Anna, 24,33, studying German (only for the next 2,5 months, I hope). I live still with my parents, younger brother Grish and my grandmother. I teach German at high school and I miss my vacation ver ymuch any questions

I'm Anna, 24,33, studying German (only for the next 2,5 months, I hope). I live still with my parents, younger brother Grish and my grandmother. I teach German at high school and I miss my vacation ver ymuch any questions

yes, for how long do you study German? Do you take this course at University or College?

and I just wonder, what kind of name is Grish? It is Polish?

[ Dodano: Sob 14 Kwi, 2007 21:19 ]
It is Polish, it's a kind of nick

I learn German for ... hmm... 14 years I graduated college and now I do my "mgr" title

now I do my "mgr" title
So do I . But I study something totally different than you.
And what exactly

And what exactly
Medical physics. Strange combination of physics, elements of medicine (for example an anatomy of human - a light version of course ), biochemistry, biophysics ...

Medical physics. Strange combination of physics, elements of medicine (for example an anatomy of human - a light version of course ), biochemistry, biophysics ...

.. I just wonder, at what University do you study this very interesting subject???

at what University do you study
University of Wrocław.
Wow, that is very good place to get an education

by the way, your English is very good.

University of Wrocław.
Do you know miasto? It`is user this forum. His name is Tomasz, and hi`s an architect.
Ela wrote:
Wow, so you graduated in 2003.
Can you tell me what UMCS stands for?

UMCS - University of Mary Curie-Skłodowska.
What are your plans for the sunny sunday

Do you know miasto? It`is user this forum. His name is Tomasz, and hi`s an architect.
It should rather be :
"Do you know miasto ? He is user of this forum. He's name is Tomasz, and he is an architect."
No, I don't know him.

"Do you know miasto ? He is user of this forum. He's name is Tomasz, and he is an architect."
Thanks so much.

Anni wrote:
What are your plans for the sunny sunday?

I spend this day at home.I will have written a poems and visiting catholic forums.Today is 80 th birthday of our pope Benedict XVI.

Ela wrote:
Wow, so you graduated in 2003.
Can you tell me what UMCS stands for?

UMCS - University of Mary Curie-Skłodowska.

Thanks Sebastiano.

Can you give me some information about that University?
University of Mary Curie-Skłodowska was founded in 1944 year.The first organiser and rector of this university was prof.dr hab Henryk Raabe.

[ Dodano: Wto 16 PaĽ, 2007 20:03 ]